
What do we mean by tailored jacket?

Jacquard is a type of fabric treatment, often used in knitwear, in which differing threads are woven together to create a coloured pattern.

Different to print finishes, a look at the inside of garments made with Jacquard fabrics will reveal the coloured threads used for the creation of the pattern. The threads are literally shaved for smoothness and held in place using micro-knots.
By tailored, or constructed, jacket we mean the frame with which the jacket is put together. In a tailored jacket adhesives are not used, but the front parts of the garment are strengthened by using horse hair and with the use of a so-called canvas.

The canvas has different thicknesses depending on how rigid the desired effect; the thicker the canvas the more rigid the effect obtained. The canvas is stitched onto the front parts of the jacket using a special machine and then finished by hand. In the sleeves and back no type of strengthening structure is added.